Selasa, 02 April 2013

BAB 2. Management and Human Resources Development


Education is one of the means to improve the quality of human resources. To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of education, it is necessary to improve the quality of education system management. According Engkoswara (2001: 5) says that the management of the education system is expected to produce a productive education, which is effective and efficient, requiring analysis of culture or values ​​and ideas vital in many dimensions of life policies for a sufficient period of time in which people live.
Education until now regarded as the main element in the development of human resources. Human resources more valuable if they have the attitude, behavior, knowledge, skills, expertise and skills that suit the needs of different fields and sectors. Education is a tool to bring about change in human beings. Humans will be able to find out everything that is not or has not been known before. Education is the right of all mankind. The right to education should be followed by the opportunity and the ability and willingness of the individual himself. Thus, it can be clearly seen that the importance of education in improving the quality of human resources in order to align with another man, both regionally (regional autonomy), national, and international (global).
High or low quality of human resources, among others marked by element of creativity and productivity are realized with the work or the performance of either an individual or a group. This problem would be overcome if Human resources is able to show the results of productive work in a rational and have the knowledge, skills and abilities that can generally be obtained by education. Thus, education is one of the solutions to improve the quality of human resources.
Improvement program the quality of human resources through education will benefit the organization such as productivity, morale, efficiency, effectiveness, and stability of the organization in anticipation of the environment, both inside and outside the organization that is always changing with the times.
                  Some organizations in developed countries have shown success using the effective Human resources management practices through improved skills and expertise ways Human resources organization. Some of the practices that have developed educational institutions in Europe are:
1. Identify skill and quality of human resources in line with the demands of the environment,
2. Choosing human resources that have high performance and potential,
3. Trying to meet the needs of organizations and individuals,
4. Assessing the performance and skills of human resources,
5. Adequate compensation to workers who are skilled and have the expertise,
6. Build a good working environment,
7. Increase motivation for improved performance.
Human resources management practices indicate that the workforce of today and the future has changed. The role of Human resources in the organization has the same meaning as important as the work itself so that the interaction between the organization and the focus of attention of Human resources managers. Therefore, the new values ​​are in accordance with the demands of the organization need to be introduced and disseminated to all individuals in the organization.
Human resources management practices can be applied in the educational process to increasing the quality of teachers that will be elected personnel educators really professional. With the professional educators themselves, the better the quality of education and will further impact on increasing the quality of human resources.

Difficult Words :
·         Mankind                                  : Umat Manusia
·         Requiring                                : Membutuhkan
·         Align with                               : Sejajar dengan
·         Regional autonomy                 : Otonomi daerah
·         Environment                           : Lingkungan
·         Adequate                                : memadai
·         Expertise                                 : Keahlian
·         Elected                                                : Terpilih
·         Impact                                     : dampak
·         Disseminated                          : Disebarluaskan

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